Each of us is vital to our shared life.
The ministries here show how things are taking shape for us now. As you take a look, consider where you are in this shape. Discern what God is calling you into.
Ask yourself, what gives you joy?
That's ok. If it doesn't give you joy, it's likely someone else's call.
Then, let Fr. Douglas know where you feel God's leading with your ideas and where you want to put your energy. We will continue to fill in this picture together.
Worship/Arts: Sunday/Wednesday Holy Eucharist, Monday Evening Prayer, Tuesday through Friday Morning Prayer, Choir, Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Lay Readers, Acolytes, Ushers, Crucifers, Readers, Intercessors, Eucharistic Ministers, Funerals, Weddings, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Ascension, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve/Day, Concerts, Art Fair, Audio/Visual, Prayer Walk, Hymn Sing, Alternative Worship
Faith Formation for All Ages: Faith Discussion Groups, (EfM) Everyone for Ministry, Children/Youth Formation, Cursillo, Prison Formation, Contemplative Groups, Retreat, Community Talks, Forums. Quiet Days
Spiritual Care: Stephen Ministers (training for laity),
Licensed Lay Ministries (eucharistic ministers/ visitors)
Community Life: Outreach, Hospitality, St. Francis Fair, Christmas Fair, Cottage Groups, Dinners, Coffee Hour, Epiphany Party, Shrove Tuesday, Transportation
Administration: Vestry, Finance, Stewardship, Nominations (executive committee plus), Buildings and Grounds, Communications/Advertising
Ministries at St. Francis by the Sea are not set in stone;
their shape will always have a life that ebbs and flows.
Where you feel led for this season will take us all to what's next.
The images on this page are just some of our 90+ Kneelers in the church. Each was designed and hand embroidered by our parishioners over the years. They depict scenes of the Blue Hill peninsula and its flora and fauna.