"Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on your
journey of faith, you are welcome here, at God's table."
Welcome to St. Francis by the Sea
Welcome to St. Francis by the Sea Episcopal Church, a place where everyone, regardless of their background or church experience, is welcomed in the same Spirit of Christ. We believe in the inclusivity that Christ preached, inviting all to life in God without exception. We strive to reflect this in every aspect of our lives.
As Episcopalians, we are part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Our story is rooted in the English Reformation of the sixteenth century, though its center is the birth, life, teaching, death and resurrection of Christ. Our way of worship, informed by history, tradition, and reason is shaped by Word and Sacrament. We read the Word through the lens of Jesus as The Word as described by John.
We refer to our ways of worship as the “liturgy," an intentional signifying that worship is the collective action of all of us gathered. Your presence and the presence of those around you are essential to complete our worship. We encourage and value your full participation in our worship.
We Episcopalians are known for worshiping with our whole selves: body, mind, heart, and spirit. Whether sitting, standing, or kneeling, marking ourselves with the sign of the cross, keeping prayerful silence, or using our voices; these are all outward expressions that support connecting us and keeping us as a faith community in growing, active relationship with God and one another that we aspire to be from our whole hearts.
Our life together is shaped by our liturgy, that becomes living through us in everyday life. We are a church that loves to pray and praise through music, mainly from The Hymnal 1982 (blue book, the numbers beginning with S are in the front of the hymnal) and Wonder, Love, and Praise (WLP, green book); or music found in this bulletin. The Book of Common Prayer is the red book found in the pews. It offers the outline of our worship based on scripture.
Coming to St. Francis for the first time? Please sign our Guest Book in the entryway. We hope you will return often! To connect with us further, reach out to the parish office. We'd love to know more about you.
Worship with us anytime on-line.